p 1 Tracking Down Covid-19 Origin loads slowly p 2 Tracking Coronavirus Vaccine Developments p 3 Tracking Coronavirus Investigations p 4 Tracking Variants of Concern p 5 World Health Insists On Lab Leak Investigation
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” is one of the most influential scientific articles in history. >“Just a few of us – Eddie, Kristian, Tony and I – were now privy to sensitive information that, if proved to be true, might set off a whole series of events that would be far bigger than any of us. It felt as if a storm was gathering,” Farrar wrote of the period leading up the publication of “proximal origin.”
Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 - U.S. Right to Know page
Stubborn Koopmans
> For example, she [Shi Zhengli], suggested changing the description of the number of nucleotides in which RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2 differ from 'more than 1000' to '1100'. This change was also adopted. She also suggested removing the passage about the chimeric coronavirus that she and Ralph Baric had published in 2015. This virus turned out to be able to infect epithelial cells of human respiratory tract
Timeline: Vraag het Marion! page
Jeremy Farrar
McNutt later forwarded the email with an attachment called “Summary.Feb7.pdf” page
Angela Rasmussen @ UW
The Mouse Model page
> The research was conducted in a highly secure, state-of-the-art biocontainment safety level 4 laboratory in Hamilton, Mont. The scientists examined mice that they infected with a mouse form of the same species of Ebola virus causing the 2014 West Africa outbreak. The study was done in full compliance with federal, state, and local safety and biosecurity regulations. This type of virus has been used several times before in research studies. Nothing was done to change the virus.
Michael Katze @ UW
"He Thinks He's Untouchable" page
>The lab began to fall apart in the spring of 2015 when, according to Messerle, lab members learned that Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — with whom Katze had collaborated for almost a decade — had terminated Katze’s $1.2 million federal research contract with him.