Working with IPFS - Carson Farmer of We attended this meetup .
Textile is building:
"a better home for humanity's data."
We've been on the lookout lately for a speaker who can talk about working hands-on with Interplanetary File System (IPFS) from Protocol Labs. Our friends at ProtoSchool meetup have booked just such an event, so Seattle Smart Contracts is helping to get the word out. The speaker will be decentralized web developer Carson Farmer from ( Farmer is a developer based in Victoria, BC and a data scientist with a background in computational geospatial science. He has long advocated open source software, open data, and privacy-focused tools. Textile is a company building open source tools for deploying decentralized databases, storage, user management, and more over the IPFS network. For more info on the ProtoSchool meetup group:
# We want ...
- A place where we can store our data
- Ability to permission that data to services and people we choose.
- To capture data network effects to increase the value of our own personal information. github
# Compare Wiki to IPFS and Texile?
- Wiki's data isn't centralized, often it is client-server that requires trust. - Wiki data requires trust because storage isn't free, nor is identity free and keys are difficult to manage.
# Textile runs on IPFS 1. Raw data 2. Hash the data to create a CID (IPFS) 3. Generate a unique symmetric key 4. Encrypt the raw data 5. Hash the encrypted payload to get final CID (IPFS)
# Textile tech
- Textile uses CCNX
- Textile is moving toward homomorphic encryption, which is a form of encryption that allows computation on ciphertexts, generating an encrypted result which, when decrypted, matches the result of the operations as if they had been performed on the plaintext. page
# Encrypted Data Sharing - Maybe there are many shares - textile Logs. 1. Single-writer 2. Append only 3. Multi-addressed 4. Multi-layer encryption Inspired by: ssb-db, Gozala/ipdf, EventStore, dat
# Textile Logs 1. A log can only be updated by one person
# Textile Threads 1. A thread is a collection of logs 2. A clock to order all events* 3. Aggregates create shared states 1. An ACL 2. A document 3. A database
# Threads are Datastores Gives devs flexibility to bring any database > get (key) > put (key, value)
# Peer Configurations - Share a Thread and give write access to small group of friends. - Share a Thread and give write access to some friends, read access to a small group of friends.
# Contacts @carsonfarmer @textileio
# Q&A - RTBF (right to be forgotten) - not yet. You still need to trust an app at this time. Researchers are moving toward Homomorphic encryption. IPFS is working on a proxy scheme. - How does Textile make money. Cheeky answer VC funded. Looking into services to keep network running. Filecoin (something like it). - Some apps on Ethereum to let you save data on IPFS.