The Gargoyle Club Soho, 16 Dean Street, London was formed in 1925 to foster bohemians after a brightest young poet who was killed in action in World War I. Helping Boy George form Culture Club in 1978: "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me" (M/V set in 1936)... page
Federated Wiki's organizational structure that works well is a open source membership club, similar to how Linux is structured. There are many famous clubs who do good works, all seem to have some rules. Wiki seems to be doing quiet well with an informal club.
We briefly discussed other organizational structures during weekly Wiki video Dev/Chat on few Wednesday's.
We recently noticed that infrastructure for bioinformatics is patterned like the Apache software foundation. The NIH hosts server farms for researchers to share genomic sequences, Blast being the best known BLAST .
Much like Federated Wiki, the source code for Blast is available on github page
Other countries do the same including the Swiss EXPASY (often called Swissprot).
There are also data specialists, 501(c)(3) non-profits, who collect data on viruses for vaccines and genomes for precision medicine. Non-profit 501(c)(3) often apply for grant funding from NIH, Gates Foundation, or many others. Who research, publish or provide services (rather like a Wiki Server Farm) page
We feel that like Wikipedia, and WikiMedia Foundation page , Federated Wiki will develop some sort of foundation for long life. As there no aristocracy to bankroll like the Gargoyle Club.
The key for success seems to be finding the right alignment with a natural sponsor who has business interests that do not conflict with sharing. E.g. Linux Foundation and Blast.