Federated wiki dev/user video chat starts in 15 minutes. Visitors welcome...
- Eric described how experienced skills in DevOps fit a long term company focused of robust code rather than a startup cranking out features. - Stopping Exfiltration how to stop key secrets leaking c/o Mark S Miller. Lead in for Frozen Realms at TC39. - Chromebooks as a Dev machine via Crostini containers (new way to virtualize linux apps) - Stephan described his Wiki similar work to look at certain data and conversions back and forth.
Raw (I lost many chat links after my HoA crashed)
duke crawford tiny h4ng 17:59 Robert Sterbal Hi everyone 18:00 You Hi robert 18:00 duke crawford http://ml4all.org/ 18:03 duke crawford tertiary? true;false;null 18:04 duke crawford bletchley cryptlets 18:17 Ward Cunningham http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/stopping-exfiltration.html 18:19 Robert Sterbal They all use a next day confirm 18:22 duke crawford flush that chromebook 18:23 Robert Sterbal I would think everyone would just be using a VM 18:23 Eric Dobbs These days I tend to start experimenting with things inside containers. 18:26 duke crawford crostini containers 18:26 duke crawfordhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Crostini/comments/89q1cu/crostini_101 18:27 Robert SterbalWhat specs would you want on the Chromebook? 18:29 Robert SterbalI'm looking for a full HD screen 18:30 Robert Sterbalcan you can just connect to AWS? 18:30 Robert SterbalzBook 18:31 Robert SterbalHP running 8.1 18:32 Robert Sterbal(windows) 18:32 duke crawfordintellectual dark web 18:33 duke crawfordauthentication v authorization 18:36 clive boultonWard's community confidential search engine for schools sounds like an application of Rivest 18:41 clive boultonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_signature 18:41 Youhttps://yacy.net/ 18:41 duke crawfordlixia zhang says crypto isn't about cryptography, but rather 'key management' (only as strong as weakest link) 18:44 Stephan KreutzerThere's no point in cryptography if the password is 123. 18:45 clive boultonRivest rings a bell for the general notion of a group signature scheme https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/pubs/RST01.pdf 18:50 duke crawford^ 18:51 clive boultonI lost most chat when my hangouts crashed http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/wiki-hoa-notes-530# 19:05 Eric Dobbsgotta run. 19:05 Youi'll do a fork and paste in the chat links I've got
11:05 AM Paul Rodwelli'll do a fork and paste in the chat links I've got 11:07 AMYouThank you 11:08 AMYouRecently dawned on me how recommender engines optimize bias 11:10 AMPaul Rodwellgiven some of the rubbish that get recommended on YouTube I wonder what it is using to base recommendations on 11:12 AMRobert SterbalThanks Ward and crew 11:13 AMRobert SterbalI generally get more of what I just watched 11:13 AMduke crawfordthx all 11:13 AMYouYouTube recommender engine is easy to train (leans to bias) 11:13 AM