We explore how wiki can host a commons while maintaining individual ownership/control over servers, data, copyrights and domains. Video chat starts in 15 minutes. https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/epn5oao4qvhwdcvbwturlqyttmu …
Eric covered how managing passwords and identity ownership are still inconvenient for non-technical folks. Identity presents a barrier to many Moms signing up for after-school programs.
Paul uses github identity Ward uses Twitter identity Clive uses Google identity
Ward asked about Sovereign Identity at Hyperledger at Linux foundation. This Phil Windly led project came out of IIW (that meets at Computer History Museum, Mt View) links below.
Paul provided a demo of the DAT project he is working on. More at github . Ties to site adapters and serverless.
Ward and Paul discussed DAT, Beaker and Wiki Federation scenarios. Potential to share this composition be via a wiki transporter. Eg. Forking between public http wiki and private DAT over bridges (unsure I captured correctly).
Eric recapped bits of visit to Portland, looking at Brunos code (written in Pearl). Mike McCaffrey also has code (written in Python). Discussed how to search and reuse different patterns in transporters (unsure I restated this).
Stephen brought up Event Storming as an alternative to Scrum... wikipedia
duke crawfordsovrin is company? what happens if they sued to death? 10:24 AMStephan KreutzerIs identity a social mechanism? Maybe not. Ownership (compared to possession) might well be a social construct, so I wonder which one might be subject to be changed ;-) 10:24 AMStephan KreutzerSorry, I tend to have a lot of opinions on some of those things, no need to go down those paths. 10:25 AMJon RichterI'm thinking about it. 10:26 AMRobert SterbalI want some stats on the person who runs the identity service: 1) the number of authentications, the number of devices that authentications, and the locations that authenticated. 10:26 AMJon Richterlocations are a personal datum. 10:27 AMRobert Sterbalyep, and you are entitled to that after you authenticate 10:27 AMJon Richteri don't want anyone to know where i am. 10:27 AMRobert SterbalThen you should be able to turn the logging off 10:28 AMduke crawfordwhat if player owns own identity via private key (w social infrastructure to restore lost/stolen key)? THEN player can choose social backup eg wiki goog fb sovrin etc etc etc 10:28 AMRobert Sterbalmost sites disable paste 10:28 AMStephan KreutzerStupid 10:28 AMRobert SterbalIndeed 10:29 AMYouSovereign identity is in active development https://wiki.hyperledger.org/projects/indy 10:31 AMYoustatus https://wiki.hyperledger.org/groups/tsc/project-updates/indy-2018-may 10:31 AM
duke crawfordso DAT all these addresses are hash signed valid pointers? eg trust data.. 10:42 AMStephan KreutzerI can leave, if needed, or is it just video transmission? 10:42 AMPaul Rodwelldat://aef6373443b46e1485a0d749b75d60c85c47a160a7e57fa7a82ff7a38d0512ec/#view/welcome-visitors/view/test 10:45 AMduke crawfordhurray 10:47 AMPaul Rodwelldat://dat-shopping-list-video-jimpick.hashbase.io/dat-shopping-list-1.mp4 10:48 AMduke crawford'protocol wall' haha 10:56 AM
Ward Cunninghamhttp://found.ward.bay.wiki.org/pattern-homemaker.html 11:12 AMPaul RodwellMolina di Ledro 11:12 AM
duke crawfordwhere's zooko? https://agoric.com/team/ 11:19 AMduke crawfordpower amplified by ai, scary 11:20 AMStephan KreutzerBig Internet companies only got their power because the public doesn't have a clue about digital (human mentality doesn't change as fast as tech), and there are clever people who know how to exploit that and become rich in the process. 11:21 AMduke crawfordzcash 11:23 duke crawfordwe're going DAT 11:23 AM duke crawford2m ggif stream on ai/elon/security http://youtu.be/QA-9QK_WkV0 imagine 12000 tcpip nodes above then tcpip inside your brain and body: protocol wall 11:27 AM Stephan KreutzerHave to leave :-( 11:32 AMduke crawfordhttp://th.ai/event_storming drag vids/pix into wiki 11:33 AMduke crawford+1 'distributed' Robert SterbalI just am waiting for approval for my ability to link to an image in my hosted wiki 11:40 AMduke crawford'money' is an agreement, we are programmed by poorly defined word.
11:41 AMduke crawfordward was quoting a 'her' before talking about c alexander, who is she? 11:46 AMRobert SterbalWhat are you replacing money with? 11:46 AMduke crawfordprogrammable money 11:46 AMRobert Sterbalis it ready? 11:47 AMduke crawfordhttp://io.cx/98LdFA-_zfA&t=3568.2;14 This problem of generating the living structure in the world is something that you would explicitly recognize as part of your responsibility. 11:52 AMJohn BywaterNice intro to event storming: https://techbeacon.com/introduction-event-storming-easy-way-achieve-domain-driven-design 11:56 AMRobert SterbalSharepoint :) 11:57 AMRobert Sterbal<ducks> 11:57 AM Paul Rodwell got to go... 12:00 PMduke crawford+10 all time best Ward hangout, this 12:01 PM