Wiki now has a distributed large asset commons. We'll video chat about how this works in 15 minutes.
darvoz week London 2018
- All round we introduced and discussed distributed systems.
- How inherently Holochain and Federated Wiki work to foster decentralized communities.
- To follow the Hackerfest see page
RAW Robert 10:06 AMYouJan 24-26 10:06 AMYou Elaine Shi simplifies consensus in distributed systems (I think) 10:12 AMRobert Best 10:20 AMRobert Best 10:26 AMRobert Best^^ The sprint-athon 10:27 AMYouMaRSChain: Framework for a Fair Manuscript Review System Based on Permissioned Blockchain 10:30 AMEric Dobbsabout to run out of battery 10:39 AMDavid Bovill 10:46 AMDavid Bovill 10:46 AMEric DobbsThis wiki site is all about my way of setting up docker based dev environment. 10:47 AMEric Dobbs 10:47 AMEric DobbsI'm interested to participate in the hackathon, but in the event that schedules don't work out... that's the best way I have to offer for getting started without me. 10:48 AMDavid BovillThanks Eric - I have a frined / coder who is interested in getting involved in the docker aspect of wiki - so would be great to co-ordinate. Have you time during the sprint to take part? 10:48 AMDavid BovillYeah - we can work out some async collaboration maybe? 10:49 AMDavid BovillOr at least a follow up :) 10:49 AMRobert BestI'm on the metamaps team :) 10:53 AMPaul Rodwellan example of page forking history - 10:56 AMRobert Bestis a recording of this chat available somewhere after? 11:00 AMYouI often write up notes. 11:01 AMEric Dobbs 11:01 AMEric Dobbsgraph database 11:01 AMEric Dobbs 11:05 AMRobert BestThere is a graphviz plugin for Gephi... WHich is a tool I love for large scale Graph Viz and analysis 11:07 AMRobert Best Robert BestCheck out this map I made :P 11:11 AMPaul Rodwell 11:12 AMRobert Best 11:23 AMYou 11:27 AMDavid BovillI think we all got a bus to catch :) 11:32 duke crawford