Ward Cunningham (@WardCunningham)
Federated wiki's biggest influence might be in its forks and copies. We'll video chat about this starting in 15 minutes. zoom
Roster continued
# Discussion
The Persistent Myth of Insurmountable Tribalism Will Kill Us All post
Mike Caulfield had trained students how to spot fake news. Verify news links on wikipedia and more. - feel overwhelmed by the “firehose of news” - feel unequipped to sort through that news - want to read and share truthful accounts - believe in journalistic principles of accuracy and verification - but fall back on cynicism as a strategy, believing far more news to be fake or spun than really is
Thompson Morrison at http://innovateoregon.org see the FedWiki innovators-pilot
- Kids in schools enjoy doing and sharing. Thompson both coaxed them to and demonstrated how they do so. By joining a federation by their email identity.
We discussed "Splinternet" and the notion of the internet splintering into China and US rest of world internet networks.
# Chat
From ChrisGebhardt to Everyone: (10:19 AM) @ChrisGebhardtIC From duke crawford to Everyone: (10:28 AM) decentralization can't stop lynching From Robert Sterbal to Everyone: (10:31 AM) Happy if you joined me on Facebook Twitter is how I fing this meeting From duke crawford to Everyone: (10:33 AM) splinternet, then Starlink and skywire happens, From Robert Sterbal to Everyone: (10:35 AM) Where did Duke go? My favorite corporate blockchain talk: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Seth-Juarez/An-Introduction-to-Blockchain-with-Mark-Russinovich It is more open source :) (Microsoft) From Paul to Everyone: (10:37 AM) Interesting Strange Loop talk… Identity & Trust in Monitored Spaces - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erQG5AGxNKI From Robert Sterbal to Everyone: (10:51 AM) Mid-20s males and retired males - are the largest demographics[citation needed] From Robert Sterbal to Everyone: (10:51 AM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Who_writes_Wikipedia%3F I had extra data From Me to Everyone: (10:56 AM) http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/wiki-devuser-video-chat-oct-17 https://perkeep.org/launch/ From Robert Sterbal to Everyone: (11:05 AM) https://bitnami.com/stacks From Me to Everyone: (11:13 AM) http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/deep-thoughts-on-wiki/view/history-of-object-capabilities