Ward called the weekly wiki meeting together with: Federated wiki celebrates its 8th birthday.
We will video chat about this and other news starting in 15 minutes. tweet
# Discussed - Microservices vs blockchain consensus services - Wiring up the Signature plugin at TruffleCon hackathon - Peter stopped by to speak about Systems issues and setting up Wiki for Oceanography.
# Chat From 818108478 to Everyone:10:05 AM Happy birthday Federated wiki!!!! This is Nima and I don't have your audio. Also, I'm in Eugene, OR attending OPLSS! Keep up the good work! <3 <3 <3 From Me to Everyone:10:38 AM I'm muting myself due to chatty cafe Heads up Truffle Con (UI for blockchain) hosted by Microsoft Redmond Aug 3rd prices went down. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trufflecon-2019-blockchain-developer-conference-tickets-58020862963 From Robert Sterbal ... to Everyone:10:41 AM That would be a great tool! From Me to Everyone:10:49 AM Interesting to see how Truffle and Wiki fit together. https://www.trufflesuite.com/ From Paul to Everyone:10:57 AM source code - https://github.com/WardCunningham/wiki-plugin-signature https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiki-plugin-signature http://www.noiseprotocol.org/ From Me to Everyone:10:59 AM Thank you for the signature links I'm going quite to make some notes. From Robert Sterbal ... to Everyone:11:07 AM the Digital Life Cooperative? The link? https://diglife.com/ ? From Paul to Me: (privately)11:09 AM clive - Paul Frazze gave a short presentation on identity in the next version of Beaker (connected with unwalled.garden).https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KkQ7uaSKHrgz4ZH3lkYehMTONz8r_Us_5ImL1kf2c7g/edit#slide=id.p(aspartof a hacking on beaker stream) - also related https://unwalled.garden/ From Eric Dobbs to Everyone:11:11 AM Robert, yep, that’s the place. David Ing and Robert Best have been working with them. e.g. https://diglife.com/author/robert_best/ From Me to Paul: (privately)11:14 AM Thank you Paul. From Paul to Everyone:11:15 AM https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000674n From Eric Dobbs to Everyone:11:16 AM https://www.circleofblue.org/2019/world/its-raining-plastic-researchers-find-microscopic-fibers-in-colorado-rain-samples/ From Me to Everyone:11:19 AM I just completed certification as a Salish Sea Steward (mostly volunteering to monitor Puget Sound) http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/wiki-devuser-video-chat-june-26