Ward Cunningham (@WardCunningham) 22m22 minutes ago
We prepare for a new pattern language site this summer.
We'll video chat about this and other news starting in 10 minutes.zoom
# Discussion
We kicked off with David and Ward et al discussing electron and javascript connections. More to solve the C2C that the B2B pattern. Solving the security allows B2B2C patterns which de-emphasizes the largest central cloud servers, yet puts emphasis on the links between content creators, businesses or enterprises. We see this in IFTTT .
new pattern language
Ward moved on to discussing the new pattern language (see screen shot). Eric picked up this pattern and spoke to how web development is distribute systems and how we send messages to solve concurrency through messaging. Enterprise industry analysts call this pattern 'digital' to draw distinction with PC-era application software pattern (that does not message because the objects are generally larger).
Eric spoke more about tab-to-tab communication messaging cross-site and cross-origin. Though only supported by Firefox and Google. And how wiki plugins can flow. Under the covers this tab-to-tab messaging is generally supported by Caja like capabilities Mark Miller's work.
David spoke about a pal from Mozilla who is may help with a security pattern for federated wiki page plugin to 'different site' page plugin. Alike IFTTT this could allow a slide presentation propagation with web messaging rather than web links. Robert spoke about programmers not realizing. i.e. Google docs is the best at shared document (Microsoft office is far less). Microsoft Office has more features for repetitive tasks (making it the standard for workplace productivity). Microsoft trains business on features, Google leaves it to people to figure out product features).
Dave Thomas stopped by the Zoom video chat and discussed Andrew Sorensen's Impromptu (programming environment). page
Robert chipped in with programmer often don't recognize the cool vs functional. i.e Google Docs has the best shared page document collaboration (far better than Office online). Microsoft office has far more robust repetitive functions to do your job (that makes Office the standard for business productivity).
Nima demoed his spreadsheet graphics project. I dare not drop a screen print in case I over allocate wiki memory). DaveT calls this grammar graphics. (I tried but could not fork my page -- indicates out of memory). Try this link youtube
# Chat
From Nima to Everyone:10:15 AM Spreadsheets are the ultimate wiring My first point of confusion when I wanted to transition from Windows to Linux was my lack of understanding of what the notion of “working directory” is From duke to Everyone:10:18 AM this sounds like 'Place Making' From David Bovill to Everyone:10:23 AM http://plugin.fedwiki.org/popup-plugin.html From Paul to Everyone:10:27 AM https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Channel_Messaging_API From Eric Dobbs to Everyone:10:28 AM Paul, I was just about to paste exactly that link. :-) From ward to Everyone:10:31 AM console.log('opener',window.opener) prints null From duke to Everyone:10:37 AM down with global authories, up with moral relativists have gr8 week all! From David Bovill to Everyone:10:37 AM https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#postmessage-api From Me to Everyone:10:44 AM Taking notes (I may have some incorrect understanding reprising) http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/wiki-devuser-video-chat-fed-20 From Robert Sterbal ... to Everyone:11:02 AM Nice to hear your approach to images. I'm in Bethel Park, PA 10 miles south of Pittsburgh From David Bovill to Everyone:11:05 AM https://vimeo.com/58239256 From Me to Everyone:11:06 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impromptu_(programming_environment) From David Bovill to Everyone:11:07 AM http://thought.garden/view/welcome-visitors/view/federation-activity/view/physics-playroom/view/computemusicnow-andrew-sorensen-at-tedxqut# From Nick Niemeir to Everyone:11:08 AM My wife informs me it's time to go make lunch, see you all around! From Robert Sterbal ... to Everyone:11:11 AM https://sterbalssundrystudies.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Federated_wiki From Eric Dobbs to Everyone:11:16 AM http://www.math.bas.bg/bantchev/place/k.html From Nima to Everyone:11:25 AM I have a new and short spreadsheet demo (time, shapes and animations) From David Bovill to Everyone:11:38 AM http://www.agentsheets.com/ From Eric Dobbs to Everyone:11:38 AM https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/simonpj/ From Nima to Everyone:11:39 AM SPJ on Spreadsheets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M4P5M85KO8