Wiki Dev/User Video Chat Dec 5


Ward (@Ward Cunningham) Strategies for personal or private wiki sites that still link to the federation. We'll video chat about this and more in 15 minutes.

# Discussed today

+ Ideas on site setup FedWiki vs Wiki? + Publishing wiki content w/o a server (have someone else publish or use Firebase). + Paul would need to write a Firebase site adapter. + Dat is another serverless solution. + XKCD don't fix git repos or printers + Facebook getting caught again by Damian Collins Parliamentary investigation and decentralisation pendulum.

# Chat

From Me to Everyone: (10:14 AM) 
Google search ranking for https for safety. (GitHub and SFW webpages https)
 From Me to Everyone: (10:30 AM) 
Enjoying today’s discussion, I plan to setup my own site.
 From duke to Everyone: (10:32 AM) 
+1 glossary
we’re defining words?
 From Me to Everyone: (10:39 AM) 
Finding Google News latest machine learning driven sport news awful. Does not follow my teams, nor latest news.
 From Me to Everyone: (10:49 AM) 
Any way to deploy FedWiki on Firebase?
 From duke to Everyone: (10:50 AM) 
i’ve used firebase it’s nice
 From Me to Everyone: (10:53 AM) 
I push my website sites to git, and use travis to deploy to firebase (autogenerates https cert).
 From Me to Everyone: (10:58 AM) 
I need to look for that XKCD on fixing git.
 From duke to Everyone: (10:59 AM)
 From Me to Everyone: (11:04 AM) 
 From daviding to Everyone: (11:04 AM) 
I think that the person working with Christopher Alexander is Greg Bryant.
 From duke to Everyone: (11:04 AM) 
use posts/story links to define wiki words
 From Eric Dobbs to Everyone: (11:26 AM) 
Clive, firebase looks promising: