Ward tweeted. A fresh reread of "As We May Think" shows more connections to federated wiki than we realized. We'll talk about this and other dev/user news starting in 15 minutes.
# Discussion
Eric's demo
Eric demoed his work on transforming patterns in text into diagrams producing observable graphs.
Perry demoed his work on colorizing observable graphs.
Perry's demo
Ward opened a discussion on programming languages and the entangled network. Peter commented on disentangling storage optimizations in distributed systems.
Duke posted a link "Simplify: move code into database functions" page .
Dukes link made me think about Microsoft's new pattern for business systems discussed at #TruffleCon2019 i.e. in 3 columns. Smart Contracts + SQL Database + Blockchain.
Smart Contracts version B2B functions and publish them as objects on the blockchain database (succinctly oversimplified).
These discussion point on large scale systems were a segue way to carbon based ecosystems. Kelp as a highly efficient converter of carbon to oxygen.
# Chat From Paul to Everyone: (10:21 AM) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/sharing-secrets-with-aws-lambda-using-aws-systems-manager-parameter-store/ From Paul to Everyone: (10:31 AM) https://www.sethvargo.com/secrets-in-serverless/ From Paul to Everyone: (10:37 AM) https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html From duke to Everyone: (10:50 AM) https://sivers.org/pg anyone seen this? anyone tried it? (move code into database functions) From Robert Sterbal (work) to Everyone: (10:51 AM) Another mess: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/08/the-year-long-rash-of-supply-chain-attacks-against-open-source-is-getting-worse/ From Perry Wagle to Everyone: (11:11 AM) I know someone who was working on getting perl’s parrot into pg From duke to Everyone: (11:17 AM) tiny.cc/kelpp From Paul to Everyone: (11:17 AM) https://www.businessinsider.com/world-first-first-floating-dairy-farm-rotterdam-2018-9?r=US&IR=T