
Brad Fitz asked page :

What's state of the art for putting binary checksums in tamper-evident public ledger that auto-updater verifies before running?

Selected twitter replies and links page Also see dcap

> Russ Cox: for simple code. > At your scale any SQL back end would be fine. No need for Trillian.

Brad Fitz: Ideally we don't want to run the log servers, though. Don't want to have access to tamper with it. Allure of CT is others run it. But @BrandonPhilips 's work is probably best of both.

> Replying to @_rsc and @bradfitz I have been using tlogdb as the basis for the asset transparency stuff I am building and it was a great place to start! Thanks for putting that repo together! transparencylog/btget binary transparency enabled HTTPS URL fetcher. Contribute to transparencylog/btget development by creating an account on GitHub.