Raspberry Pi 4 Desktop?

Can the 8GB Raspberry Pi4 replace my MacBook Pro?

YOUTUBE OU6jHvVqJxY Can the 8 GB Raspberry Pi 4 replace my MacBook Pro?

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Mainly because communication tools we take for granted on Mac and Windows don't have versions for ARM64. This may change for two main reasons.

- Apple is slated to make an announcement that they will move Mac from Intel to ARM64 processors. More at WWDC. - Google has opened up Fuchsia, it's new capabilities-based OS for Intel and ARM64.

We surmise that polished desktop apps for ARM64 are likely to start appearing in 12-18 months.

Until then Raspberry Pi 4 even the 8GB model with 1.8 GHz quad processor is mainly for developers, hobbyists, teaching using terminal with CLI scripts. i.e. Chromium requires you bake your own Pi page

Also see - Raspberry Pi Development Ansible Playbook page - Raspberry Pi: Projects, Tutorials, Models Tom's Hardware page