How to bypass YouTube country restrictions, and it demonstrates how I confused object-capabilities in an embed versus a link. * I was wrong * But I'm still looking for good working examples to show developers capabilies.
Replace youtube in the video url with youpak. Here's an example: page
YOUTUBE oWtDipSSAU8 You will get the country restriction notice.
In the next example, you will not get the country restriction notice. On the link page
YOUTUBE oWtDipSSAU8 It works only by clicking the link; it won't work on an embed.
Blocked in your country on copyright grounds.
To clarify, you only get the country restriction on the above video if you're in the USA or apparently Canada. I do not know if it's restricted in any other country.
Which brings us to Ward's thoughts for consideration at Splash 2017 on Agreeing With Strangers page