YOUTUBE EsZbWAqU8xY Rainych Ran covers Doja Cat's 'Say So' version.
'Say So' is an American song popularized in Japan by an Indonesian. Over 19 million views. 1.1 million likes. Doja Cat's original has over 252 million views, 3.9 million likes.
An analogy with allowing covers of music videos, not enforcing copyright, is an effect we see in open-source, notably in NoSQL databases. Covers allow for changes to original work that propagates modified works for all sorts of reasons, from fans to refinements to localization for international markets.
This making of copies by forking versions is the approach fostered by Wiki over the Wikipedia, that end up in edit wars on hot topics. How mad would Doja Cat be if Rainych was changing her original version. How mad Wikipedia editors turn over controlling their point of view.
YOUTUBE pok8H_KF1FA Doja Cat's original 'Say So' version. Google video search has 2,470,000 results [many are video dance covers].
Likewise, NoSQL has been growing like gang-busters, ever since the DynamoDB in 2007 page . This followed after the Google BigTable whitepaper in 2005 page
Before 2007 there were very few hot databases, most databases were proprietary closed source. After 2007, the Hadoop and NoSQL came forth, paving the way for the Scalability movements, the Big Data infrastructure paving the way for today's Machine Learning and AI growth.
Formerly in computer science, the NoSQL topic area is know as 'distributed systems', and it underpins cloud-native database services with key value datastores mostly developed in open-source. page
Wiki forks...
It's worth keeping an eye on databases as enterprise IT builds on databases. DB-Engines Ranking provides a leaderboard page . Also, a good idea to keep an eye on 'forks' for versions in other digital segments.
Even my friend Bradford Stephens created a NoSQL database and startup, DrawnToScale, continuing successfully as a consulting company today.
YOUTUBE H5b3W3swwVI Doja cat reacts to a Japanese version of Say So.