Mirror Worlds by David Gelernter book .
Notably in 1993 this 1991 book inspired Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, to send a bomb that almost killed David Gelernter (a computer scientist) and left him with some permanent disabilities: he lost the use of his right hand and his right eye was permanently damaged. I don't approve of Kaczynski's actions (Gelernter was sounding a warning). wikipedia
Mirror Worlds foresaw perfect computer network effects that transform the real world into the financial world. Concentrating all the profits in the largest central servers. Done so perfectly that almost all risks are transferred to the edges of networks, towards the people who do actual work.
or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...
In my opinion Mirror Worlds when combined with the exponential effects of online social networks has produced unregulated monopolies who exploit capitalism. Mirror Worlds first turns the real world into intangible financial instruments for trading. Then perfectly transfers the intangibles on computer networks at zero cost creating an unhealthy ecosystem due to concentrated profits in huge servers.
Deliberately avoiding any notion of paying taxes based on costs, because there are no transfer costs. Leaving only the network nodes or people doing work creating content to pay taxes. Secondly because there is no logistics conversion work to do during digital transfers , there are no taxes to pay. Nor any workers to pay during nearly perfect transfers.
Big tech corporations have astonished us with their audacity to avoid paying taxes using networks of overseas subsidiary shell companies. Apple has run into trouble and is fighting the European Union over unpaid taxes on transfers using Mirror World effects. Products sold in high tax countries have their invoices transferred and processed in other countries where costs are untaxed leaving profits in servers.
These effects we seen play out in the music industry (iTunes), financial services (Lehman Brothers). Uber uses Mirror Worlds to arrange car rides. Governments are struggling to counteract them. Maybe governments should instead tax nearly perfect network effects used to transfer profits to very large servers?
Creating tools such as Federated Wiki on Holochain and Beaker Browser are important step toward new economic networks effects using peer-to-peer. Notably Mark S Miller is advising the team building the Gravity blockchain smart contracts protocol at ECSA team .
YOUTUBE 2K9ASbiPNiU Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist. Once a devoted advocate of the free content model of the internet, he now believes that without a comprehensive monetisation of the network and the information it transmits, the future is bleak for consumers and technology companies.