Google News Redesign Whiffs page
Some people, including me are calling the Google News Resign a New Coke. I can no longer read the news. The UX is horrid.
Ars Technica reader
“wildsman” is thinking along similar lines: What the hell is Google thinking? This new design looks like Google+ came and threw up on Google News.Google News Redesign Whiffs Some people, including me are calling the Google News Resign a New Coke. I can no longer read the news. The UX is horrid. One of Coke’s ads to promote the flavor change: wikimediaArs Technica reader “wildsman” is thinking along similar lines:
Perhaps the bigger issue is Google’s ham fisted product management. Den Howlett at Diginomica, as well as the Financial Times, both did extensive beta or shared thinking in public on major UI/UX changes. Marissa Mayer always used to make incremental design changes on public sites at Google and spoke about why at PARC and other forums. Google News choose a FU approach. Take it or leave it. No persuasion. Why would Google News take such a different approach to product management today compared to 10 or so years ago?
Google News Redesign Whiffs page