Bringing Object-orientation to Security Programming (Mark S. Miller, Google) .

Object-oriented security programming in javascript by showing how money is a factorial of secure coding. A brilliant video on Distributed Resilient Secure ECMAScript.

YOUTUBE oBqeDYETXME Published on Nov 3, 2011


This is one of the best videos on fundamental computer security ever.

# Overview - Objects, References, Messages - Object-capabilities (OCaps) - Access Abstractions and Compositions - Patterns of Safe Cooperation - Dimensions & Taxonomy of Electronic Rights - Smart Contacts As Games - Composing Networks of Games

# How Do I Designate Thee - Composition and Contracts and Networks of Contracts - The pointer --> count the ways - Two objects Bob points to Carol # By introduction Third object Alice already has a pointer (sending messages, sharing) transfers pointer (Alice sends to Bob). # Bob already exists

#Nothing Exists

# This is known as a memory safe system - Add two more restrictions for a memory safe system - Natural sandbox