Woke up this morning... CA Technologies have been sold to Broadcom for nearly $19 billion. NYT
YOUTUBE 1u5c3SbUBtM John Cullinane and Bob Goldman Introduce Cullinet Software. Recorded: May 25, 1983
Amongst CA Technologies products is IDMS or Cullinet which has stood the test of time, it went out of fashion (with the PC LAN and SQL) and came back again (with the PC WAN and NoSQL blockchain). Proved by customers who kept buying it from CA. Cullinet
Now we see another platform pattern emerge in Hyperledger Sawtooth. Extreme modularity secured by blockchain crypto-commerce technologies, with business application transaction families driven by composed smart contracts.
From a software development pattern this a shift to metadata driven platform of composition that require solving computer insecurity in distributed systems resulting in decentralised crypto secured business systems.
Previously we saw Salesforce focus on declarative CRM applications as a key to platform maturity levering multi-tenancy computing technologies and a SaaS business model. The results have been stunning, by far outperforming all enterprise applications peers over the last 15 years valuation
Force.com the platform underlying Salesforce CRM has compelling economics but is locked into CRM by its Oracle-on-Oracle database pattern. Its deployment pattern is monolithic, it cannot scale vertically to deal with deep trees found in complex bills-of-material.
William Shatner portraying Captain James T. Kirk, the first person able to defeat the Kobayashi Maru test Uploaded image
We can speculate solving this would require an Oracle-on-Oracle-on-Oracle database pattern. Hasso Plattner at SAP did speculate and created the HANA database using OLAP database technologies, killer for ERP. HANA
Knowing the capabilities of your platform pattern and proving them with a killer application, provides a path to a killer platform. Yet this often proves infamously hard like pulling the Kobayashi Maru test. page