Parallels and Google have partnered to bring enterprises and cloud workers full-featured Windows applications to Chrome Enterprise this fall [2020]. page
Parallels is known well by Mac OS users as the virtualization product that enables to them to run Windows apps on their Macs.
The product announcement is tied to Chrome Enterprise and Google posted their version of the announcement
on their Google Cloud blog. This could mean that either Windows app support will initially only run on high end Chromebooks, such as ones with Intel I series processors, or that it will be a streaming-like service running in Google Cloud.
Parrallels already has a product called Parrallels RAS that streams Windows apps to Chromebooks in a manner similar to Citrix Xenapp. Come to think of it, Citrix could use Xenapp to provide the same thing.
With Windows apps in the mix, Chrome OS truly is being positioned to become the "everything" platform. Computerworld