Giving a talk at this week's Seattle Scalability Meetup on Scaling Crypto-Commerce, the Q&A led me to do further research and rename the deck a strawman. page
Wikipedia defines Capability-based security here page
Mark Miller succinctly defines as. Capability describes a transferable right to perform one (or more) operations on a given object. It can be obtained by the following combination: - An unforgeable reference (in the sense of object references or protected pointers) that can be sent in messages. - A message that specifies the operation to be performed.
Researching this chain allowed me to join up some dots. The first Capability computer was a Plessey 250 in 1970 for the MOD. page
Early 80's I served attached to R.Signals Reserve providing fully secure digital communications throughout. Many of my cohorts worked at GEC on GEM 80, a real-time computer system. As I recall the GEM 80 microkernel was a (rather quiet) fork from a Plessey OS.
Recently via Arstechnica Google’s “Fuchsia” experimental OS is Capability-based written in Flutter. page
Flutter is a Dart Lang derivative, which brings up a chat Ward and I had with Seth Ladd on Dart's core design and message-passing. To achieve concurrency, Dart uses isolates similar to Erlang. When compiled to JavaScript, isolates are transformed into Web workers. page
At this point I can't make any claims other that the world seems very interconnected. On this note the R.Signals motto Certa Cito (swift and sure) has march past music "Begone Dull Care". Begone Dull Care also happens to be a favorite album by the Junior Boys, an electronic music band I saw play live in SF.
Begone Dull Care a fitting motivator to improve computer security...
YOUTUBE 7evwabWc27Y The Band of the Royal Corps of Signals Playing "Begone Dull Care"