Beyond crypto - ICO hype & hope - decentralized governance.
Panel discusses how to build better base realities block by block - Foresight Institute page
- Zooko Wilcox - Founder, ZCash - Nathana Sharma - Program Director, Singularity University - Mark Miller - Senior Fellow, Foresight Institute - Nick Kritikos, Head of Global Business Development, Consensys - Moderated by Allison Duettmann, Foresight Institute
Part of Foresight Institute's 2017 Vision Weekend. For speaker profiles, additional panels, and more info, please see: page
Decentralized governance enabled by smart contracts favors global trade in the way that regional law cannot.
To get to a world where most contract terms are codified requires traveling through a period where most contracts combine code with proses to be interpreted by humans.
Maybe use multisignature to nominate arbiters in the event of failure. wikipedia
Positive and negative network effects. Today large governments make poorer decisions than any individual. Collective decision making is a vast negative externality. But what about catastrophic externalities? Relate this to the ethereum fork.
44 min in, Mark Miller explains genetic takeover to replace insecure and insecurable systems upon which we build all applications. New niche grows within the old niche and becomes so important that it takes over the old niche. Insecure blockchain computations die quickly when challenged. But will crypto computation grow fast enough to be viable globally before a security appolypse.
See also Building Better Futures